All prices include VAT.
Belgoshop offers secured payments via MultiSafePay: Mastercard, Visa, Mr Cash/Bancontact and Paypal.
You can also pay via bank transfer on our Belfius bank account:
BE35 0689 0492 3737 (BIC: GKCCBEBB).
MultiSafePay uses a secure connection (SSL) to facilitate the payment process. The payment details like credit/debit card numbers, codes etc are only used to settle this specific transaction. The information needed to process the payment is encrypted during the process and deleted after the transaction has been completed and settled with the credit card company.
Pay afterwards with Afterpay
AfterPay manages the payment after delivery for Belgoshop. You will receive a payment overview from Afterpay via email to pay for your bought product(s).
In order to approve your request to pay after delivery, Afterpay will perform a data check. Afterpay applies to a very strict privacy policy as described in their privacy statement. In the case your request gets rejected by Afterpay, you will still be able to pay for your order via a different payment method.
Note that this payment method is only available in the Flemish and Dutch area.
You may always contact Afterpay directly by clicking here.